AdSense link unit increase adsense revenue from blog
AdSense link units are available in 2 categories, horizontal and Square. The horizontal AdSense is again divided into 2 sizes 728 x 15 and 468 x 15. The square link units are again available in 4 sizes. Do, you know that horizontal link units performs best on the navbar below menu or adiacent to it for earning revenue from Adsense.
Advantages of AdSense link unit.
Google AdSense has always been in practice to take care of the advertisers and the publishers as well, so that the former would be benefitted by displaying their ads to the potential cstomers and the publishers would also get earn the best price for their hard work on their blogs and websites.
But as seen that the online visitors has a natural tendency to avoid clicking on ads which hurts all the three including Google itself. So, AdSense has facilitated few advantages to publishers and made their ads in various formats that should gets best fitted on everyone's website or blogs and appears as an integral part of the site itself.
Why Adsense link units should be placed in navbar below menubar?
Since the general people avoids clicking on Ads, so it should be blend well and placed such that it would appear to be an integral part of the site but at the same time it should have the potential to being getting clicked. Now the navbar below menubar mostly contains category of a website or blog. If a publisher places his/ her horizontal AdSense link unit in such navbar, the common visitors would generally starts clicking on such ad links considering it as being a category link of the site and thus the AdSense earning would gets increases. Ofcourse Google Adsense clearly demark such links as being ads by Google by providing these words at the starting of the links but despite of such demarkation, general visitors often make mistakes and make clicks on those links. This is also known as AdSense optimization which is an essential part of Adsense earning.